Martes, Oktubre 1, 2013

The First Timer

The First Timer
            This is the day that I am waiting to walk while capturing some picture with my fellow students, and the Photoville members. It is fun for as in the reason of this is our first time to go outside just to take a nice shot, but while we are finding a good subject honestly I felt nervous, I am afraid to use the DSLR because it is not mine, and I’m not good enough using the DSLR. But as time goes by those emotions that I felt was changed into being happy, and excited for another subject because I was enjoying using the DSLR of kuya Rodel and kuya Fred
            We walked and walked and then take some picture that for us we know that it is nice we are also eating while walking, and then having a group picture, this are some we did in our photo walk. Until I get fever because I’m tired walking and that time it was very hot because it was in the afternoon that is the reason why I wanted to go home, but I realized it is my chance to experienced that the things the photographer did in their photo walk, and it is just a part of being a first timer. So although it has a lot of hindrances happened I will continue what I been started I will keep on finding a good subject for my photo walk.
           After that all the group members ate at the Kitchen Basics. When we ate and take some rest we felt tired that wanted to take some sleep but the Photoville members told that after we ate our lunch we will continuing walking like we did a while ago.
            In this moment after we took some picture, before we go home we took some group picture with the Photoville members and the whole class of 2B and some of the students of 2A. for the whole day walking on the street we felt tired but happy for that wonderful experienced. I felt that I am a professional photographer that time.

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