Sabado, Enero 26, 2013

My Favorite Gadget

When I am sad, I listen to a song. When I am bored, I open an Ebook, read some love stories and sometimes wrote a poem. But aside from that, I write those worst and happiest moments that I never forget as a teenager.
            I can do all of these things together with my cell phone. And I want you to know that this gadget represent as my diary like what I said a while ago. For me it is very important, because it is a part of my life in a reason that when I have a problem I always use my cell phone, to have fun and forget those problems.  Then I do what I want like listening to the music, read some stories and also watching Be Careful With My Heart” that completes my day i can do all of that because of my phone.
            I’m so very thankful that I had a gadget that makes me happy, especially when I’m always alone. For me none of the other gadgets that I know can make me happy aside for my cell phone. And take note it's almost 2 years that I keep my secret here in my phone. And sometimes, if I want to go back into my past experiences, I can do that, by looking at my pictures together with those persons that I really loved because of the help of my cell phone.

My Favorite Movie

            For how many times I never fed up watching this movie, although it is for a kid I really loved watching “Finding Nemo”. Maybe because of the lessons that I relate to myself, and I proved that I need to do this moral lesson that I learned from this movie.
            Do you know guys that when I was a kid I watched Finding Nemo together with my sisters and brother at the age of 6 if I’m not mistaken? And that time all I can say that I never understand the movie in what the author trying to say? But when I try to watched it again I am really glad because the author catches my attention, in a reason of I fully understand the story I got the moral lessons and I was really amazed.
            So I appreciate the story, and  the moral lesson I learned is how to become a good daughter, because the writer is trying to say that as a child, we ought to obey our parents on what they are saying because it is for the seek of our lives, and being disobedient to our parents it will cause of our misfortune. So after watching I promise to myself that I always obey my parents and never violate their instruction to proved that I really love my parents and how they are important to me. 

My Favorite Song

When I heard my sister singing the song Tag-ulan which is sung by Kuya Daniel it always recall into my mind. When I told it to my sister she said that it is called as a last song syndrome or LSS. Then I keep on singing the part that I can still remember and then I get the lyric of a song and I read the whole message and I really amazed for the thoughts of the song tag-ulan.
It tells that if you are alone I’m here to listened with you, to comfort, and to help you with all your problems. Also if you need a friend just call my name and I’m here for you because I am your friend. And if you are crying I’m also here as your defense. From this song it tells us that don’t think that we are always alone because there are many people who are wanted to helped us to survive for every problem that we have. And also to think that we have a friend that always supports us.
I really like this song because whenever I listened to the song tag-ulan it keep me stronger because I know that I have my friends who are always beside me and never leave when I need them.