Sabado, Marso 9, 2013

Art Month

A lady’s yes

            At my age you can’t this kinds of feelings you can be coming at the stage that you are in love to someone that makes you happy, that makes your day complete, and it is normal to a teenager. It is the sign that we are going up. Sometimes we experience that we need to make beautiful to the eyes of the person we like, to get his attention. And of course boys can do the same things like other girls did.
            When I read a poem “A lady’s yes” by Elizabeth Browning I was really amaze to her written poem that tells about the courtship of boys and girls. And she gives an idea on how you will say the word “yes” to a man. In what way does the boy get the sweeties answer of a girl? When we say the word “courtship” it is talking about the relationship between boys and girls. Courtship is a vow to their selves that they will love each other, and that promises shows that you really love your partner. But before having a true partner into your life there are things that the boys and girls needs to doing.
            In the poem it says that as a boy if he is really wanted to get the answer of a girl he need to show how he is very serious on what he is doing, because before the girl give her sweeties answer she need to know the things will happen if she give her yes to a man. Elizabeth Browning wants to tell that as a role of boy in her written poem this is a kind of person that you can be trust because when the suitor dating to a girl he is asking for an answer to girl. The author is trying to say that in our life if we give our vows to someone it is definitely we need to do these things because it is very important for the girls in a reason of you are showing how you really love her. And for the girl we should know first if the boy is serious that he can do all his promises onto you.
            In are lives there are right day to give our yes to someone. I believe that in the world of being in love there are lots of problems, trials, and challenges that we can experience so for me we need to enjoy first are moment as a teenager because sometimes boys is one of the reason why we are facing to the different trials when we fall in love to them. So we need to study first before for that moment. And stead of that why we should love first God, because I know that if we love Him and he also love the person who love Him with whole heartedly.

Dear Kuya

Dear Kuya

            The newest radio drama program which is hosted by Kuya Daniel Razon, is a kind of a drama station that tells about the different kinds of a story of a person. And for every story there is a following advice which is given by our Preacher Bro. Eliseo Soriano, and for every advice that was given to the person who write his/her story is coming from a verse of the Bible wherein you can trust this advice which is given that comes from Bro, Eli.
            When I read an article in the newspaper of Kuya Daniel, I read about his launched “Dear Kuya” I’m so very excited because I know to myself that this kind of radio program is different from other station, why? Because when we listen to other stations some radio Dj’s we can say that sometimes they are not interested or they didn’t respect people who listen to their program because sometimes they ask an advise but it is not useful because it was only a joke wherein everyone is laughing,  which is not good. While in the stations of Kuya Daniel we can say that this is kind of a station that give’s importance and respect to the person who wrote their story. I’m not talking this, because I am a student of La Verdad, but because I tell this in a reason that I know that Kuya Daniel and other staff of Dear Kuya are respecting the emotion of other people.
            And as a La Verdarian student I’m so very proud, because some of the student in third year student in LVCC is working with Kuya Daniel Razon in his radio program “Dear Kuya”. It is nice because those third year student are representing the name of LVCC (La Verdad Christian College) that show the students in our school are very talented and intelligent. I hope that this radio program will stay forever and many people will listen to this station especially to the part of giving an advice with Bro. Eli.
Keep up the good work!
To God Be the Glory J

review article

Ira Talks to Her Mom

When she sit down to talk, she seems as relaxed as she did, when I first interviewed my mom in our house she told that she feels like a “President” and I am the reporter that want to know the story about her personal life. As we talks, she told me how she can face all the challenges that happen in our lives, how she can survive about her health conditions.

Ira: What are your achievements that happen to your life?

Virginia: For me, I think is having a good relationship between my family and also having four (4) talented siblings that always here for me.

Ira: You’re saying that your achievement is your four (4) siblings. What can you say about your four (4) siblings?

Virginia: yes! My achievements are my siblings because they grow all that having a fear with God, and also respecting others which is what I wanted. And I am very proud that they here for me that makes me stronger who always supports me although I had a sick.

Ira: So you think does your health condition affect your relationship to your family?

Virginia: hmmm. Not really, in fact it is the reason why should I have to keeps stronger, and to show how I really love my family instead of showing that I can’t survive, because I don’t what to see them that they really pity on me.
Ira: As a mother who fights for her everyday life. What is your goal for your four (4) siblings?

Virginia: My goal for my four (4) siblings is to have a better future, simple as they finish their studies and to love and helps each other in all the times.

Ira: For my last questions what is your message to your family?

Virginia: First of all this is my first interview about my personal life hmmm! I just wanted to say that thanks for my family who always cares about my condition. Which is always here for me to makes me stronger, and to survive in all my problems. Thanks to God because He sent to me a good family that loves me, and because of my family I can face all my problem and also I forgot my health conditions because they makes me happy and comfortable.

Miyerkules, Marso 6, 2013

why am I here in LVCC

He Has A Wonderful Plan

I am a moody person that always gets angry, without any reasons. Sometimes I don’t want to talk to others. There is a time that when I saw my family is very' happy I feel irritate, because I really hate them all, but I don’t know why? This is the reasons why I am not close to my parents, sometimes I know to myself that the reasons why they are crying, because of the attitude that I’ve always show to them.
        When I was on fourth year they said that if I want to study in college, it is better if I take an entrance exam in La Verdad because they do not have enough money to supports all the things that I needed if I choose to study in other schools. They said that in La Verdad all the miscellaneous is free also the meal, and the uniform. And then I have no choice so I need to take an entrance exam, but is hard for me in a reason of I want to study in Pamantasan Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM).

After a week I get the result, and I passed, but instead to be happy I feel mad because I always pray that I need to fail the exam. In our home my mom hugs me very tightly because she is so very proud that I pass the examination. I can’t explain my feelings that time but, I really appreciated those hugs that come with my mama, and that time I get interested to study in La Verdad Christian College (LVCC).
      After a month that I been studied here in LVCC I know to myself that I change my bad attitude, because now I can show to my family how they really important to me, how I really love them, and its started when I listen in our “Bible Study” and the topic is about the relationship of mother to their sibling. When I listen to Bro. Eli I realize my entire mistake that I’ve done to my parents, and I want to fulfill those mistake. And this is the reason why I always wanted to listening to Bro. Eli because I’ve learn a lot.
       And for me I realize why am I here in LVCC is to start a new life, because this place is the reasons why I change’ and I know that God has a plan for me. And I’m so very happy that I am a part of the “Members CHURCH OF GOD International” (MCGI) and I think that aside to finish my study here in LVCC to have a better future is and also to serve to God.