Sabado, Marso 9, 2013

Art Month

A lady’s yes

            At my age you can’t this kinds of feelings you can be coming at the stage that you are in love to someone that makes you happy, that makes your day complete, and it is normal to a teenager. It is the sign that we are going up. Sometimes we experience that we need to make beautiful to the eyes of the person we like, to get his attention. And of course boys can do the same things like other girls did.
            When I read a poem “A lady’s yes” by Elizabeth Browning I was really amaze to her written poem that tells about the courtship of boys and girls. And she gives an idea on how you will say the word “yes” to a man. In what way does the boy get the sweeties answer of a girl? When we say the word “courtship” it is talking about the relationship between boys and girls. Courtship is a vow to their selves that they will love each other, and that promises shows that you really love your partner. But before having a true partner into your life there are things that the boys and girls needs to doing.
            In the poem it says that as a boy if he is really wanted to get the answer of a girl he need to show how he is very serious on what he is doing, because before the girl give her sweeties answer she need to know the things will happen if she give her yes to a man. Elizabeth Browning wants to tell that as a role of boy in her written poem this is a kind of person that you can be trust because when the suitor dating to a girl he is asking for an answer to girl. The author is trying to say that in our life if we give our vows to someone it is definitely we need to do these things because it is very important for the girls in a reason of you are showing how you really love her. And for the girl we should know first if the boy is serious that he can do all his promises onto you.
            In are lives there are right day to give our yes to someone. I believe that in the world of being in love there are lots of problems, trials, and challenges that we can experience so for me we need to enjoy first are moment as a teenager because sometimes boys is one of the reason why we are facing to the different trials when we fall in love to them. So we need to study first before for that moment. And stead of that why we should love first God, because I know that if we love Him and he also love the person who love Him with whole heartedly.

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